Austin Code Enforcement & District Representation
Construction near residential areas keeping you up at night in Austin?A permit exists for after-hours concrete installation, but this site is not eligible to obtain one because it is not located downtown. The city has not issued any permits authorizing after hours construction at this site, and even if the contractor requested a permit, we would not issue one because it would not comply with city code.
Without a permit, a construction site may only make noise that is audible beyond the property line between the hours of 7:00am and 10:30pm. The use of a machine that separates, grades, loads, or unloads sand, rock, or gravel within 600ft of a residence, church, hospital, hotel or motel is further restricted to the hours of 6:00am-7:00pm. If you or one of your neighbors observes a construction site violating these curfews, they should contact 3-1-1 at the time the violation is occurring. If this is a reoccurring problem or the problem is not being addressed by calling 3-1-1, I would recommend contacting the Austin Police Department’s district representative for your area during business hours. District representatives specialize in resolving local and reoccurring problems that patrol officers are not equipped to handle; you may contact your local office by calling (512) 974-8100.
My District Representative: Officer Paula Aguilar 512-974-5567Codes enforcement:Richard L. - (512) 974-6073Irma Ibarra – 512-974-3612 Neighborhood planning areas