In my spare time…

Few things are more gratifying than transforming an idea, or fusion-of, into a tangible reality.

Some are these are on display at home, and others gifted to friends and family. I am thankful if they are accepted (not excepted) and displayed, as well as the support and encouragement received from my wonderful and lovely partner in life.

The drive to create something is accompanied by the preference for each piece to possess a genuine curiosity and uniqueness.

In the fun of, say, attaching antlers to a welding helmet… The enjoyment is derived in the process - from the inspiration and building-experience in that slice of time.

Along the timeline, these works serve as milestones, reflecting life’s influences prevalent during that specific phase of the journey. That feeling - the micro-celebration - when each piece is completed, coupled with love and support received, provide all the motivation needed to continue to create.

Cracked Tile  |  Carved Stone  |  Combined Metals - Artistic Destruction, Distinguished Creation