BBQ Pork Ribs - Oven

 Recipe is for 2 large racks - pork ribsCombine in mixing bowl:

  • One bottle - favorite BBQ sauce
  • heavy squirt of mustard - about tablespoons
  • Juice two lemons
  • Half cup Italian dressing (or herbs, vinegar and oil)
  • 2-3 tablespoon - brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon - onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon Cayenne pepper
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 tablespoons of beef or chicken soup base

In large baking dish marinade ribs and mixing contents, cover with two layers of foil and seal tightly for 24 hoursIn preheated oven (325 F), place sealed baking dish and cook for two hours.Carefully remove foil - as not to tear it.In pre-heated grill, flatten foil out on top most rack of grill or indirect heat.Place ribs onto foil (should be very tender at this point) and baste with juices.

Check every 15 minutes and baste again.

Flip racks over after 30 minuites

Cook for one hour or until desired appearance is achieved.

Make BBQ sauce for serving ribs while

Follow recipe above again (without italian dressing) or create from scratch using this recipe



Big Bend: In a four day weekend (from Austin)


Sour Cream – Taco Sauce