Double Trouble BBQ in South Austin

Double Trouble is an amphibious "Barge" / food trailer that serves BBQ to folks in South Austin (SOCO - actually, some might say LOCO " - lower Congress)If you're heading south on Congress, the restaurant rests on its trailer on the right hand, just after Ramble, before Stassney - 5300 S. Congress 78745 to be exact. There is a very nice pavilion and tables with a stage for live music just behind the restaurant.Jeremy and Klein are both share ownership. They take their restaurant out on the lake across from Hula Hut in Party Cove on weekends and have plans to do the same this summer. I can hear them from my backyard and had always wondered where the music was coming from.The season started slow for them, but business is picking up. I took my time getting over to their place to try their food and I wish I hadn't. Double Trouble BBQ is not only priced good it tastes great, which for me is the ultimate combination. I fed my family of three for just over $20.This summer as we keep cool in the pool, we'll probably head over and have some dinner when we hear the music start.This is them with my first order on the side of their barge;  the start beautiful relationship - smothered in the best BBQ sauce in South Austin!  Hats off to Jaime and Klein and their awesome ideas. Keep 'em coming!

Double Trouble BBQ



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