Google Voice Commands
110+ Google Now Voice Commands You Can UseBy Ashutosh KS. Filed in Tools
General Information
“Search for [WordPress hosting]?“Say [where is the movie theatre] in [French]?”“How do you say [hello] in [Spanish]?”“What is [Android]?”“Who invented [the computer]?”“Define [contemporary]““What is the meaning of [world]?”“Who is married to [Barack Obama]?”“Stock price of [Google]““What is [Twitter] trading at?”“Author of [Da Vinci Code]““How old is [Tom Cruise]?”“Where was [Martin Luther King Jr.] born?”“Show me pictures of [the Taj Mahal]““Post to Google+ [I'm loving it]““Post to Twitter [Google Now is awesome!]“
“Open [Calendar]““Launch [Hangouts]““Take a [picture / photo / selfie]““Record a video”
Notes & Reminders
“Remind me to [buy groceries] at [6 PM]““Remind me [when I get / next time I'm at] [home / work / other location] [to call John]““Note to self: [My password for is 123456]“
Alarms & Calendar
“Set an alarm for [6 AM]““Set a timer for [30 minutes]““Wake me up in [2 hours]““Create a calendar event: [Party with Colleagues] [Sunday at 9 PM]““When’s my [next meeting]?”“What is my schedule for [tomorrow]?”
Time & Date
“What time is it in [San Francisco]?”“When is the sunset [in London (optional)]““What is the timezone of [Hong Kong]““Time at [home / work]“
“Call [Sara]““Call [the Asian Art Museum]““Call [mom / dad / wife / uncle / aunt ...]” (Relationship must be added for your contacts)“Send [email] to [Storm], [Subject: Meeting], [Message: Re-scheduled to 5PM]““Send [SMS] to [Sam mobile], [don't forget to buy movie tickets]““[Contact name]““Find [Sam's] [phone number / email / address]““Listen to voicemail”“When is [Mary's] birthday?”
“Weather”“What’s the weather like?”“Do I need an umbrella today?”“Is it going to rain [tomorrow / Monday]““What’s the weather in [California]?”“How’s the weather in [New Jersey] on [Thursday] going to be?”
Maps & Navigation
“Map of [London]““Where’s my hotel?”“Find the [Eiffel Tower]““Where is [the Louvre]““Show me the nearby [shopping mall] on map”“Navigate to [London] on car”“How far is [Washington] from [California]?”“Directions to [address / business name / other destination]““What are some attractions in [New York City]?”
Calculations & Conversions
“[arithmetic expression] equals”“How much is [10] times [15]?”“What is [32] percent of [1024]?”“Square root of [441]““What is the tip for [90] euros?”“Convert [currency / length ...] to [another currency / length ...]“
“How are [the New York Yankees] doing?”“When is the next [Los Angeles Lakers] game?”“Show me the [Premier League] table”“Did [Bayern Munich] win their last game?”
Flight Information
“Flight [AA 125]?”“Flight status of [AA 125]““Has [LH 210] landed?”“When will [AA 120] land / depart?”“Show me my flights”
Web Browsing
“Go to [Tech Crunch]?”“Open []““Show me []““Browse to []“
“Listen to / play [Gangnam Style] by [PSY]?”“YouTube [how to cook chicken]?”“Who acted in [Clash of the Titans]?”“Who is the producer of [Gladiator]?”“When was [The Last Airbender] released?”“Runtime of [Avatar]““Listen to TV”“What’s this song?”“What songs does [Britney] sing?”“Play some music”“Watch [Toy Story 2]““Read [the Aesop's Fables]““What movies are playing [tonight]?”“Where is [Thor] playing?”
“Help me”“Where’s my package?” (tracking confirmation must be in Gmail)“Show me the menu for [Los Cubanos]“
Easter Eggs
“When am I?”“Do a barrel roll”“What’s the loneliest number?”“Make me a sandwich!”“Sudo, make me a sandwich!”“How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.”“Beam me up, Scotty!”“Tilt / Askew”“Up up down down left right left right”“Tea, Earl Grey, hot” (That’s a hard one)“Go go gadget [app name]““When does the narwhal bacon?”“What is the Bacon number of [random actor]?”“What does the fox say?”“What is the nature of the universe?”“Who’s on first?”“Lions, and Tigers, and Bears…”“Who are you?”“What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?”